- Gold panning on the Rhein – var. events for Gold panning courses
- Palace tour at Schloss Bürgeln
- Lock on the Rhein (2 hrs.) 19.- €/Person incl. Spaghetti-/Salatbuffet April - Dezember
- On the "Blue Whale" in the old town of Mulhouse (from Neuenburg)
- Under steam on the Kandertalbahn through the lovely Kandertal (every Sunday 9:10/13:00/16:00 hours from Kandern
- 09.06.-10.06.2018 Rosenfest in Ettenbühl
- 23.06.-24.06.2018 Johannisfest with big Johannisfeuer, the "Rebländer" play the dance.
- 28.07.-30.07.2018 Britzinger Weinfest
- 25.03.-28.10.2018 Ceramics of the 50th from german / franz. Collections in Kandern
Paragliding at Hochblauen – even tandemrides Plenty of panoramic routes for convertible and motorcycle