
07631 - 79 090



Hiking   INFO


…in the Rhein plain


on the Markgräfler Wiiwegli


…in the near Schwarzwald




on the Zähringer kiking way


Hiking when ever you want to.


Several times a week there are about 30 different hiking destinations to choose from. There are easy hikes with breaks and hikes to more distant destinations and to wine places (with wine tasting) offered.  


GPS supported tours are available. Individual guided tours on request.  


5 nights in a comfort room with varied breakfast buffet and gourmet half-board, as well as two guided hikes to offer Price € 360.- per person   Blue hike - on narrow paths from the summit of Hochblauen to Obereggenen  


Belchen - adventure tour on the Westweg  

The Belchen is with 1,414 m to Feldberg, Seebuck and the little higher Herzogenhorn the fourth highest peak of the southern Schwarzwald.

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